Local massage and spa



Have you ever asked yourself why a medical massage is different from a spa massage? In order to better understand, one of our certified massage therapists, Jennifer, discussed the differences. While it may seem like all massages are the same, it's not the case. The purpose, training, techniques used, and results of massages are different between medical and spa massages. Our massage therapists at RCBO are skilled in both medical and spa massages. Our goal is to instruct you on the distinctions so that you and your practitioner can choose the best massage for your requirements! Discover the distinction between a medical massage and a spa massage below.

A Spa massage will focus on general techniques and gentle strokes to include a whole body experience from face and scalp to the feet, sometimes including abdominal massage, with an equal pressure throughout to ensure flow and consistency every time for every client. Techniques can be utilized by using facials, wraps, hot or cold stones, relaxing scents, and gentle hand pressure that doesn't exceed the client's pain threshold. The enjoyment of these whole body treatments can be shared with someone else on special occasions or celebrations, and they can also be given as gifts. The focus of these treatments is on general health, and they only require minimal health history data to make sure there are no contraindications for massage. A consent release form is typically provided for a Spa massage, which allows the client to receive treatment at their own risk and discretion.

The goal of medical massage is to achieve a specific outcome with a corrective expectation. It is meant to stop damages and slow down progression, while also restoring normal body function after an injury or musculoskeletal condition. Medical massage is focused on injuries that hinder movement, which can lead to significant limitations in daily activity and quality of life. Medical massage can significantly improve chronic or acute conditions such as but not limited to back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, hip pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, scoliosis, muscular sprain and strain, plantar fasciitis, frozen shoulder, insomnia, and pre or post surgeries. Medical massage is commonly advised for managing pain, stress reduction, and relieving physical symptoms caused by anxiety. Because this type of massage may be prescribed by a physician and involve insurance companies, lawyers, and other medical professionals these treatments may be covered under certain restrictions and circumstances by FSA/HSA plans or be eligible for reimbursement in injury cases.

Spa massage is an overall wellness treatment with the purpose to relax the mind and body in order to manage minor common stressors or to enjoy as a self care routine. If someone is seeking a Spa massage, they will likely not have any complaints or need to focus on a specific body part to relieve pain. A spa massage can also be described as a 'feel good' massage. In addition to or instead of medical massage sessions, this massage can be scheduled. Generally speaking, insurance or health savings accounts won't cover spa treatments.

The purpose of a spa massage is to promote general relaxation and well-being, while also helping people recover from common life stressors. The goal of a spa massage is to induce a sense of relaxation in the client after the session. There is no expectation other than ensuring a client's satisfaction for resting in a quiet and serene atmosphere with a “pampering” approach focused on his or her every need from offering a hot beverage, something to eat and or a little take home gift. A client will feel spoiled after receiving a Spa massage.

As you can see, under the umbrella of massage therapy known for its restorative and therapeutic means, one can seek soft tissue manipulation to overcome an injury, address excess muscle tightness, calm down a hyperactive nervous system, help unlock deep rooted emotional traumas or simply feel spoiled. There are several massage modalities that can be used for different needs, but their purpose and intention, level of knowledge, skills, training, and results vary. Basic to advanced education is required for therapists to choose one modality over another to address specific health issues. We invite you to come in and discover the distinction between a medical massage and a spa massage for yourself!