
Rules and options for Advertising on Richobo We accept:

1. 100% Free Ad for Registered users: you need fill out your profile, add a primary photo & contact details.

2. 100% Registered users: are allowed to post one ad per day off charge in each category.

3 Free ad will stay up on the site for up to 30 days unless you remove it.

Please add our banner on your home page before reg. Thank you!

VIP & Verified Profiles For More TRAFFIC & CLICKS :

We accept Credit Cards, PayPal, SMS Payments, Bitcoints and Gift Cards.

Payment Currency £GBP, €EUR and $USD

Your credit card statement will be displayed as "CIPA MEDIA S.L" to protect your privacy.

Additional offer for "Your Link". (will be added on TOP of All Pages!)

To add your link on TOP of all pages, please contact us.

For Entertainers:


VIP Status – your Profiles will be shown at the beginning of all listings as a VIP & Verified.

You can add up to 5 Pictures free off charge.

VIP Diamond 1 month / 50.00$

VIP Gold 1 week / 15.00 $

VIP Silver 1 day / 5.00$

CONCIERGE 1 month / 15$

SPONSOR ADS 1 week / 10$


Business ADS 6 months 20$

Coupons 5$

Messages 3/7 days 20$/40$ 

Rules and Posting Guidelines

Advertisements that do not comply with our Terms of Use will be deleted from the Web Site. Richobo reserves the right to remove any ad without warning or further notice. Any advertisements we suspect of being spam or fraud will be deleted. Paid advertising is non-refundable

The purpose of the site is to create a safe and user-friendly environment so that users can post and respond to advertisements. We have provided the following guidelines to ensure Richobo users can interact freely, be assured of respect, and avoid harmful and illegal activities.

While dealing with others, always be respectful. Stick to the rule: if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.

Content Violations

The content you post - pictures, video, audio, images, words, etc. - should not violate the rights of other persons and should not contain or tolerate defamatory, fraudulent, misleading, abusive, drug-related or illegal activities.

Given the quantity of content displayed, we are not able to monitor everything. We are asking you, as a community, to help us make Richobo an enjoyable place. If you have a reasonable belief any posted content would violate our Terms of Use, gives misleading information, or for the purpose of harassing or endangering yourself or others -  ​please tell us so media[at]

If you suspect that the published content violates the Copyright Act, please report it

If you have reason to suspect that the content being distributed may be suspected criminal activity, please report this immediately to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Once approached by the relevant authorities, Richobo will cooperate as much as possible. However, Richobo has no ability to investigate or offer a valid solution - If you suspect or believe you have been a victim of a crime, please report it to the appropriate law enforcement organization. Only by reporting illegal activity to the appropriate authorities, can you assist us by effectively ensuring that Richobo remains a safe environment. 

We have no ability to respond to allegations or suspicions. When you report a violation of our Terms of Use, remember the information must be truthful. If we detect continued patterns of harassment in our reporting system, this may be considered an abuse of our terms of service.


These are the rules that we require users to follow when publishing advertisements: 

  • Always publish advertisements in the right category.
  • Users can post as many paid ads as they like. No one likes spam though, please respect your fellow advertisers by not over doing it.
  • You can publish just one free ad per day in each category. If you want to publish more ads, please purchase an upgrade, or when you try to publish your second ad, follow the steps to return to action.
  • It is forbidden to create more than one account. Users found with more than one profile or to be sharing an account will be subject to whatever action deemed fit by Richobo, including having their profile(s) suspended and/or deleted. 
  • Upload genuine photos only, which must be of true likeness of the Material(s) or Service(s) being advertised or sought. Any fake photo identified will cause the ad to be deleted from the Site.
  • We encourage you to promote your website through Richobo to boost your traffic.You can create links to your Web site as permitted under the Terms of Use. However, we ask that you DO NOT use Richobo to promote competitive Web sites.
  • Always use your wisdom and best judgment.
  • The advertisement of goods such as weapons, prescription and illegal drugs, used or adulterated food and cosmetics; license, ID cards, counterfeit or pirated items, and child pornography, or the advertisement of services related to offers sexual services or acts in exchange for non-monetary favours, including accommodation, or human trafficking, or the exploitation or endangerment of minors is strictly prohibited


Refund Policy

Refunds are not provided once payment has been made and your advertising has been activated. In all cases, making payment at the bank or through our online payment processor ensures that a refund is not possible. Should any technical problems arise, then you may be entitled to a credit or extension of your advertising. Chargebacks: This system is being widely abused and we cannot simply sit back and be expected to accept such abuse. It is very rare that a chargeback request, in respect of site membership or banners, is required and as in the case with refunds, genuine requests will always be agreed. However, any fraudulent claim for a return of membership or advertising fees will be reported as such and passed to our legal representatives or dealt with through the small claims court. We reserve the right to bar any person (and remove any ad) who has previously claimed a chargeback from contributing to the site should they re-join or remove any banners should they purchase further advertising space. Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for more information.

If you have any questions, proposals for advertising your banner / link, we can discuss this, please feel free to contact us. We are always available for cooperation! Thank you! Always available for you,