i rteally need a beautifull womens company a massage would be great i have ssuffered without intercourse for 10 years let alone even a female friend not do to appperanc ecaause i have been offered to be sponsered in body building profesional and as one of the model as universal mr. natural but have had a women whop i have not seen in 10 years and have beeen loyal and have been invboved with a maxim model but drug rehab would not let uis be involved in any sexual activity she even offered top run and have kids with me all good tell she lapsed and sent back to vegas and she aS HARD TIME GETTING AHOLD OF ME I REALLY COULD USE A HAPPY PRTOFESIONAL ENDING BE NICE IF FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN GETTING MOOD AND HEALTH PROBLEMS DUE TO NO HEALTHY INTERCOURSR MY PROSTATE IS MAJORILY SWOLLEN I I WNT TO TASTE TOUCHE FEEL A WOMEN NOT JUST SEE AND A Rasonable humane budget work something out just cause i have faith and know women are the only hope for humanity on earth i need sincerity from a oitstanding playboy level women to heel and cause i am you biggest aly when it comes to women exspecially undrstanding the work of a h****r or women in brothel i am located somewhere what ever two essential adults AGREE UPON IS THERE BUISNESS SO I HOPE FOR HAPPY ENDING TONIGHT SHE WILL WORK WITH ME BUT I WILL MAKE IT WORTH IT AND SOME PROMISE THAT I AM ATTRACTIVE PRIVATE HOME APARTMENT 2 ROOM AND LIVE ALONE SSI AND PART TIME JOB I HAVE PLAYMATE FRIENDING ALL OVER FACE BOOK BUT I NED PLAYMATE ESCORT MASAGE LAP DANCE REALLY I HEARD HAPPY ENDING IS THE ANSWER PLEASE HELP ME TONIGHT BRIGHTEN MY LIFE A LIOTTLE OR ALOT 20 YEARS FOR A GOOD LOOKING MAN AND LOYALITY IS KILLING ME THANK jACK FINNEGAN SINCEREY AND YOU HAVE MY EMAIL