Erotic massage Body-to-Body


Label of the massage parlour for novices.

If you've ever been to one, you're familiar with the routine, but if you're not here, that's the recap. This label guide tells you more about North American massage salons. For instance, in Asia, prices are much lower than the prices shown here. Asia has a slightly different label as well.

When you walk into a massage parlour in North America or Europe, some parlors have ladies lounging in a common space or lounge. The majority of girls come from South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, China, Thailand and other parts of Asia. Occasionally there may be European girls or Mexicans and other Latino in the mix as well. If there isn't a commonality, every woman will show up.

The boss goes on to introduce the working girls. They will guide you to the back of the studio and take you to a bedroom with a bed, where they will charge you the cost of the house. This cool house generally operates from $100 to $250 in Western countries. That's when you can tell which girl you're interested in.

Keep in mind, some massage parlors may have their own order that decides which girl gets the next client. You might as well have one free girl, so you don't really have a choice. However, if you are not pleased with the girl you get and you see that there are others available not to be afraid to ask. The owners are generally polite and accommodating mostly and want you to have a good "experience". Also, if you don't see anyone you care about, don't hesitate to leave. If you have already paid the cost of the house, they are usually willing to reimburse.

Once you are settled in the room, the girl is sent and will first talk to you. They usually rub you in the back for a while and once she asks you to turn around, she'll accidentally hit your tail and start asking if you want additional services.

In other words, the more generous you are with the tip, the more generous it will be with your time together.