Casting Twisted Perspective, a festival selected, satirical, series written by a 1st City alum, Along lines of "The River" "Uzalo" "Imbewu" The project mostly resembles the show "Power" or even "Set it Off." It's about strong women from rural KZN fighting to survive in these Johannesburg streets. This project has room to be a sensational screen series or even more. The shoots will be submitted to film festivals to see if we should proceed with a Global Series series or a feature. Shoots begins Apr 15 First Locations scene would be areas of (Johannesburg, Yoeville, Sandton, Rosebank and Houghton Estate. All sets will be COVID compliant with the highest levels of available protection in accordance with the S.A Government. Lead Female : 18-35 Lead Male: 18-35 with professional pay Females Actors: 20-45 Male Actors: 20-45 with professional pay Extras: All ages Seeking Submissions within: GUATENG PROVINCE Agent Contact: Lerato
Category | Jobs Johannesburg |
Phone | 0659709view |
Country/State | South Africa |
City | Johannesburg |
Affiliation | |
Availability | |
Ad ID | #AD384891Z |