Sluts and whores



In the early 1400s, when the word slut first appeared in English, it had a similar meaning to what it does today, which is to denote a woman or girl who is slovenly and untidy. It appears that the word is referring to a kitchen maid ("She is a cheerful person who keeps the pots clean and the fires burning.") The term 'a woman who has been subjected to immoral or improper conduct' was introduced by the end of the 15th century, but its meaning is no longer valid. The word slattern has acquired the connotation of 'prostitute or harlot.' Feminism has reclaimed the term'slut' and now uses it to describe a woman who has achieved sexual liberation.

How to use the word slut ? 

Slut Shaming Helen of Troy Emily Wilson, The New Republic If we blame her for the Trojan War, what does that say about us?

In Boston, a bunch of Neanderthals threatened to hold a “pimp walk” in response to the slut Walk.

"slut," the message popped up from someone named "ArtsyFartsy" as soon as I activated the app.

Such rude candour on "The Cub-slut's" part had made her feared; so that nobody durst provoke her in the slightest degree.

"The Cub-slut" stood firm before Csar, provocative, with flashing eyes, in an attitude of challenge.

This island was of drift formation, and as late as half a century ago, a portion of it still remained, being called slut Bush.

Then suspecting that she was shut up with a gallant, he struck great blows upon the door and began to shout 'slut!

"The Cub-slut" answered in the negative, by an energetic movement of her head.