Tantric massage



Tantric massage is a physical act of contact which aims at illuminating those who interact in it, exploiting the sexual energy in the body.

There is a lot of significance behind practicing tantric massage. It is a sacred practice that originated from the ancient teachings of tantra in medieval India. This is one of the tools used in Tantra to evoke incarnate consciousness, create a connection and reach enlightenment through touch and breathing. This style of erotic and spiritual massage was subsequently introduced into the Western world in the late eighteenth century, and in the 1960s people began to look at sexuality.

Tantric massage is an illuminating spiritual practice that uses touch to channel sexual energy throughout the body.

The origins of tantric massage date back to the ancient sacred teachings of tantra, first discovered in medieval India.

During the age of free love of the 1960s and 1970s in the Western world, tantric massage gained much popularity.

In tantric massage, the idea is that the «donor», or the masseuse in this case, will concentrate on giving pleasure to the «recipient», that is to say you. This is very different from many sensual experiences that you may have encountered as in this script, you will be more interested in the pleasure you receive without trying to make it. The idea is simply to rest and experiment the enjoyment of tantric massage as receivers.

In the modern world, many people have different ideas about exactly what tantric massage is and how it should be performed. This is primarily because a tantric massage may be given differently according to the style or experience of your masseuse. There is also a wide range of modern erotic body massage services offered by masseuses, all of which are promoted using the "tantric massage" label.

The genuine practice of tantric massage utilizes many techniques such as breathing and eye observation, where deep connection levels are created in a more spiritual aspect. Modern tantric massage tends to pull more on the side of erotic massage things, using physical stimulation and erotic positioning to wake you up and boost you. Depending on your masseuse and the session style supplied, you can get a modern and authentic tantra blend.

At the end of the day, there is no universally accepted definition of tantric massage that describes all kinds of tantric massage properly. In this article, I'm going to concentrate more on the modern application of tantric massage which is widely available today from professional service providers.