Legal escort non-sexual service vs prostitution



You can first think, that all kind of escorts earn money with sexual service, but it is not the truth! Escort service in real life means companionship, e.g. wealthy men who are lonely or just want to have a little fun or relieve stress pays for an escort's time to be with him/her. They want to skip the dating time, and immediately jump to the best time ever, so basically these people want to rent a romantic companion for only a short time. We call it an outcall service, if the client orders the company to their hotel room, apartment or house etc.. There are VIP or high-class escort models also, who are especially expensive and only the richest can pay for their services, which include the girlfriend experience 'GFE', which means that the escort model treats the client as if she would be his real girlfriend, this is also one of the most wanted service