Sex Guide and escorts in Spain



Prostitution is legal in Spain, but procuring and sex trafficking are against the law. The Spanish prostitution law was adopted in 1995, and the law transfers the recognition and control of prostitution to the local government. Sex work therefore varies according to the facilities, the monitoring and the number of sex workers in a region.

Street prostitution is not prevalent in some areas, whereas it is considered normal in others. Although brothel management is technically illegal in Spain, many brothels in Spain provide sexual services with less disruption at the hands of law enforcement agencies.

Prostitution is a booming business in Spain, as Spain is the largest prostitution market in Europe and the second largest in the world. It is only the second country after China to generate prostitution-related income. Spain is getting an additional $26.5 billion out of its adult entertainment industry.

Apart from local Spanish girls, Spain comprises women workers from countries in Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe. The main Spanish cities of prostitution are Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Málaga, Cádiz, Ibiza and Zaragoza. The best known areas of Spain are La Rambla in Barcelona and Gran Vía de Madrid.

Girls of Spanish origin are usually beautiful. They have this lovely face and the perfect body desirable for any man. Spanish girls usually have dark or brown eyes, hair and clear, toned skin. Sometimes you might bump into some with blond hair, especially the northern ones.

Spain girls come in different shades of beauty; some are great while some have average heights, but they especially have well formed breasts and round ass. Sexy girls from Spain generally have the shape of the hourglass body that makes them the cynosure of every eye.